Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Because things have been a LITTLE crazy around here, we are out of EVERYTHING! So today, I went to Costco for the first time in about a month. I bought a printer (THAT would make a good blog story on a slow day!), ink, toilet paper, laundry and dishwasher detergent, eco-friendly dish soap and cleaner, two light fixtures for bathrooms, light bulbs, cat litter, food, and a bunch of clothes (none for me). Like I said, we were out of EVERYTHING! My original total was way over $600.

HOWEVER, it is coupon time at Costco, and I had a rebate check. So guess what? I got out of there for $450! How awesome is that?? And yes, it was an expensive trip, but since I haven't been for a month it's okay, no??

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