Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Attack of the "Pokey Doctor"

Scott and Caleb were back at Children's early this morning for labwork to ensure that the infection is gone. GOOD NEWS!! All his counts are NORMAL! So now we are DONE with antibiotics and are just waiting for his spots to disappear.

Scott called me at 8:30 this morning to tell me that Caleb just may have superhuman strength, and that perhaps he should consider wrestling in high school.

When we got home from our site sale, the boys were in the front yard playing "golp." When Caleb came inside, he told me about his trip to the lab.

Caleb: Yeah, so I go to the hospital. It scary. I go the (mumble) doctor.
Me: The what doctor??
Caleb: The POKEY doctor!

I didn't tell him that the "pokey doctor" will be making a re-appearance on Monday when they go back for his follow-up visit (they have to make sure his labs are still normal). We'll jump off that bridge when we get to it!

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