Friday, February 22, 2008

Winding Down

This rainy day seems to be the perfect way to end this very long week. For some reason, four-day weeks seem to go on forever. Perhaps it's because I wear myself out while I'm at home.

Girl Scout Cookies come tomorrow, so we're about to embark on a whole new level of chaos.

That, and I have a project due for EdTech where I have to publish a web-page using NVu (pronounced "in-view"). ??? Apparently, nobody took into consideration that I am a very OLD teacher, and we didn't even have E-mail until I'd been teaching for about five years. Ah well, I'm sure I'll be able to figure SOMETHING out. Right?

Or maybe I'll just clean my house. I KNOW how to do that!


Melissa said...

And if the cookie chaos gets to be too much, you can always eat yourself into a sugar coma.

Ry Beloin said...

I can bring Ry to help, she's an internet native!

Cindy said...

Sugar coma it is, then!

Ry, HELP!!