Tuesday, February 19, 2008


When we got home today, Caleb wanted to watch TV for 30 minutes before dinner (even though there wasn't a big TV). When it was time to turn it off, he flipped out. So we reinforced our TV ban to include all weekdays. No more TV for the rest of the week. He's going cold turkey.

Tonight, instead of watching TV (and after another fit), Caleb read four stories, took a really long bath in which he drenched most of the bathroom, played with his Zoom-O discs for about thirty minutes (little flying rings that go really high and really far and wind up in the strangest places, or my hair), and is currently throwing his football around the house. We will probably be breaking many household items, but at least his brain will be intact.

Meanwhile, my husband keeps sneaking off to the bedroom to check the primary results. Withdrawals?

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