Sunday, December 14, 2008


We are frequently frustrated by our small house. Not because it's too small for US, mind you. It's just too small for us to, say, have guests or host parties with more than five people. Of course, we don't NEED to be able to do those things, but it's really nice to be able to offer when the staff or students want to have a get-together. Or when someone needs a place to stay. We considered moving a couple years ago, but decided we couldn't afford it. THANK GOODNESS! We would currently be upside down on our mortgage if we had! After making the decision to stay, we began to consider remodeling. We've been considering it, sometimes more seriously than others, for awhile.

We already know what we want to do and who the contractor will be, but we've been holding off. However, I played bunco with our contractor's wife on Friday and she said work is VERY SLOW right now. Coinciding with the time we had tentatively looked at to start, he has nothing to do.

So right now, we are really looking at the possibility of having a guest room and enough space to entertain without people sitting on each others' laps. It's an interesting proposition. We'll pray on it and see what God has in store for us...

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