Sunday, March 9, 2008

Who needs therapy??

For the record, Caleb's referral DID finally come. On Friday. Have I mentioned that I filled out the paperwork the first week in December?? Anyway, I digress.

At my parents' last night, Caleb kept saying he wanted to go to Ninevah. Like Jonah. Except it didn't sound like he was saying Ninevah. It sounded more like "Minemah." After my dad found out that he wasn't talking about an enema, we all had a good laugh.

One the way home, Nikki decided to provide some speech therapy. It went something like this:

Caleb: We're not going home. I going Minemah.
Nikki: Caleb, it's not Minemah. It's Ninevah.
Caleb: Yeah, Minemah.
Nikki: Caleb, say Ni-nuh-VAH.
Caleb: Min-uh-MAH.
Nikki: Say VAH.
Caleb: Mah.
Nikki: Say VVVVVVVV.
Caleb: MMMMMM.

So really, who needs a referral??

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