Friday, March 21, 2008

The Vacation that Wasn't

My kids' Spring Break is opposite ours. In Catholic schools, they have the good sense to understand that plopping kids back in a classroom the day after a sugar frenzy is not a good idea, so they let the kids out at noon on Maundy Thursday (or I guess they call it Holy Thursday) and then give them vacation through the week after Easter. Brilliance. Sadly, our school district is a little behind (surprise, surprise).

So my kids went to school all week while we stayed home. However, their school is twenty minutes away, so one of us had to go there and back twice a day, which takes two hours out of the day. We thought about keeping Caleb home, but without his sister we would have been his sole source of entertainment. And we're not that entertaining. And we had a lot of things to get done.

On my list of things to do: paint the downstairs, paint the railings and baseboards upstairs, clean the house (DEEP clean), finish the garage so we could park the car inside, get the handle on the van fixed, get cookie money deposited and cookie paperwork done and turned in.

What we got done: get the handle on the van fixed, among other things, to the tune of $1200, cookie stuff.

To my credit, I also did a lot of grading and planning. I did get Caleb an appointment. I got Gloria's registration renewed. Oh, and I spent all of Monday working on my assignment. Check it out here.

So one might think that we got to spend lots of quality time together. One might think we caught up on some sleep. One might think our house looked organized or that we had outfits to wear on Easter. But then one would be wrong.

I honestly cannot tell you what happened to my vacation. All I know is that it is over. That, and the NEXT time I have a vacation, I will be done with my MA!

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