Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Potty Progress & Chaos

Since I know you were wondering, we are still moving forward with potty training. We were gone all day today, and Caleb did MOSTLY well. He did poop in his trainer at dinner tonight. He does REALLY well when he's not wearing anything. Undies are less great, but the trainer, I think, is an open invitation for disaster (although it's a GREAT product for overnight!). Tomorrow we'll be home all day, so things should be good (and naked).

At work, things are going crazy. Our principal is leaving. He has basically allowed our staff to run with things at the school, and as a result, we have done amazing things. The staff asked to be given the authority to choose our new principal in a private meeting with our school board member. She basically told us we would get what we would get. And we did. Even though our current dean is CLEARLY more qualified for the position. So now she's thinking of leaving. And our principal is leaving. And bad things are looming in the near future for our school. So now the staff is banding together to explore the idea of going charter. This could be a scary move for those of us who have a lot of seniority (like me-and my husband). But if we don't do it, we may lose our dean and the school itself (it would be re-absorbed into the larger school within a year, thus undoing all our hard work). We are praying hard about this. And meeting. Which is really cutting into the whole feeling of "summer vacation."

So there you have it! We're just sitting around the pool eating bon bons, because that's what teachers do over summer break. :P

1 comment:

TAMI said...

I don't know what "going charter" involves, but it sounds labor intensive ...