Monday, June 23, 2008

An exercise in frustration...

Today was the most frustrating day I can remember in a VERY long time. What could be more frustrating than dealing with the health care system? Dealing with the GOVERNMENT.

I set out this morning with a list of tasks:
• Enroll Nikki in the local school district (I know, I'll explain later)
• Renew my credential/add English credential
• FAX Caleb's IEP to his speech teacher at Children's
• Return my defective tent (bad zipper)
• Change Caleb's legal name for his social security number (I know it's been 3 years, let's not judge here)
• Meeting at 12:30 for work

WELL enrolling Nikki was problem free, even though I couldn't find her current immunization card (or Caleb's-hmmm). And that was the end of my problem-free day.

I went to the Social Security Administration with all my documents (I had called ahead to see what I needed) and proceeded to sit for over an hour listening to drunk people swear and watching other people beating their children. When I was finally called, the girl took about fifteen minutes to decide she couldn't help me. I was sent back to my seat to wait for someone who COULD help me. At this point, I was already very late for my meeting, so I texted a couple teachers but, alas, no response. Then I was called again. This lady stared at my paperwork and went through manuals for about fifteen minutes before she told me I had the wrong paperwork. I had the adoption APPLICATION but I needed the adoption ORDER. She also wanted a document with Caleb's birth name AND his adoptive name, even though I had BOTH BIRTH CERTIFICATES showing his names. She gave me three numbers to try so that I could get the ORDER and a pass to go to the front of the line. So, after two hours, I went away empty-handed.

Annoyed but willing to move on, I went to the meeting location and did not find my colleagues' cars in the parking lot. Since there was no parking, I went down the hill to school, where I hoped to catch up with them and FAX Caleb's IEP. The office was locked, but I found our principal hiding out and got in. I opened the folder to FAX the document, but alas-no IEP. All the paperwork that came WITH the IEP was there, but not the IEP. I FAXed what I had and left, at which point I got a call saying I had missed the meeting. Of course.

Oh well, off to the Education Center to renew my credential. No parking. I parked illegally, and found person to help me with my credential. I had E-mailed him previously to find out what I would need to complete ALL of my steps (renew, add, register my MA for my raise). But, of course, he failed to mention that I would need a SECOND CASHIER'S CHECK for $55. I only had one. Great. Now I have to go back to the SS A AND the Ed Center.

At this point, I figured why not sign up for more frustration? So I headed for Juvenile Court to obtain Caleb's Adoption ORDER. Things seemed to be going well, I paid the $16 for the order, the clerk got me a certified copy, but then I read it and noticed that this did not have Caleb's birth name EITHER. PROBLEM. The clerk told me I needed to fill out a form to amend the adoption so it would show both names. GREAT! Except the form required the signatures of BOTH PARENTS and guess what? I'M JUST ONE! I told the very nice clerk that I would just take it out to the car and have my husband sign it, went into the hallway and forged his signature, used the restroom, and went back and turned the form in. I'm sure he knew I was lying, but to his credit, he took the form.

I started to head home at this point. I hadn't eaten all day and I was a little on edge after all the frustration. But as I drove into our suburb, I had a burst of inspiration and decided to go back to the SSA. And guess what? THIS TIME IT WORKED! YEAH!!! Now my dad doesn't have to yell at me about changing Caleb's name the next time I do taxes!! :)

Then I returned my defective tent. Then I came home to my wonderful son, who has not had ONE ACCIDENT and just pooped in the potty again!

So in the end, I still have to find the kids' immunization records (???) and Caleb's IEP (??????) and add my English credential. But all of those are jobs for another day. Right now, I need some chocolate.



TAMI said...

To top the whole day off, you called ME and offered your help!! Thank you - even more so after reading about your day. THANK YOU!!

Cindy said...

It was all over by then! :D