Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Expanding and Shrinking

Yesterday, we came home to find the downstairs completely framed, and even covered. It is quite magical to leave in the morning and come home to find one's house looking COMPLETELY different than it did when one left eight hours earlier.

So the house is expanding. But in the meantime, our usable space is shrinking. Yesterday, our contractor told us that we needed to remove all of our fragile things from our shelving unit because they are going to be ripping the stucco off the back wall of the house today (!!). Devon was kind enough to assist me in this matter. We also took down pictures. But my house was already full, and now I have pictures and breakable things to store. And I imagine that this is going to get MUCH worse before it gets better!

Our school gets out in three weeks, but during the first week of summer vacation our kids both still have school. I think that is a great time to PURGE. We have GOT to get rid of the STUFF that fills our house (and mostly our garage)!! In the meantime, know that if you come visit me you will be escorted through a maze of piles strategically arranged throughout the house. Don't judge me.


TAMI said...

It's super FUN to WATCH the progress nest door! Right now - at this very moment - one of the worker's wife is here asking about his schedule. And let me tell you, after listening to them bang on your upstairs wall all day, I'm SURE removing the fragile items was a GOOD thing!

TAMI said...

Oh, and ya, I have to regularly keep my jealousy under wraps!

Cindy said...

When you feel jealous, remember that we just added twenty years of house payments. That should help a little.

Cindy said...

Sorry they're being noisy during your pre-summer vacation!!!