Saturday, January 3, 2009

The End is Near

Scott is enjoying himself in San Antonio, Texas this weekend. A colleague at school recommended him for this big ROTC extravaganza where he gets to go to a bowl game, eat fancy dinners, and he may even do some skydiving tomorrow (tandem, of course)! I'm SO GLAD he's getting this experience. He deserves it after all the craziness he endured at work this fall.

In the meantime, the kids and I are hunkering down for the return to reality on Monday. Nikki is working to finish her science fair project before Tuesday. I am preparing my psych PowerPoints. Caleb is going stir-crazy without his daddy. He's currently sobbing for him after being sent back to his room (for a rest) for about the twelfth time. Fortunately, the cat tattles every time he leaves his room, so we know he's coming. I do realize that at some point, I'm going to have to accept the fact that there will be no rest today.

I am being summoned by the sobbing boy. I guess I'd better try one more time before giving up and heading to my parents' to watch the Chargers game. Go Chargers!!


TAMI said...

At least Caleb will get to spend some time with his manly grandpa!!

Lisa said...

Oh that reminds me of many naps with my litle Emily. Oh the miracles of sleep, for them and us! NEED MORE SLEEP!