Friday, June 26, 2009


So we're one full week into summer now. Last week didn't count because my kids were still in school and I worked every day. But THIS week was VACATION!!

We camped Monday-Thursday at the beach with Caleb's godparents. FUN! S'MORES! TIDE POOLS! READING! It was awesome.

Friday I took the kids to do their work for a study (they're part of the control group and get paid $10/hour to take tests!). Then I came home to find the workers were done for the day and so we napped and watched "Return of the Jedi" on the wall for Friday Night Movie Night.

Today we went to the library's summer reading program kick-off at the park. Aside from the tragic loss of Caleb's balloon sword (he waited 15 minutes in line and it popped after 5 minutes), it was fun. Then another nap and dinner with Grammy and Grampy to celebrate their anniversary, which actually happened while we were camping.

So I'm sure I've put on some pounds, but I'm working on my THIRD book and I'm finally feeling like maybe it is vacation after all. YEAH!

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