Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Alphabet Obsession

Caleb is obsessed with the letter O.

Nikki: C-A-L-E-B. That spells Caleb!
Caleb: NO!
Nikki: Yes. That's your name. C-A-L-E-B. Caleb.
Caleb: No! O-O-O.
Nikki: There's no O in your name.
Caleb: Yes!! I have a O!
Nikki: blink, blink

We have a similar experience when the "super letters" appear in "Super Why" (his new favorite show. Thank goodness, no more "Curious George!").

Wyatt (character on show): Can you find the Super Letters? (as they float around in front of him)
Me: F-L-P
Caleb: O-O-O
Wyatt: That's right! F, L, and P!
Caleb: NO!! O!
Me: sigh

So if anybody can think of a creative spelling of Caleb that involves an "O," he'd really appreciate it if you'd post it here.


Melissa said...

CALOB? OLEB? I don't think so. Does he want to share Owen's O?

Susan said...

Go with Boo. There are two Os.

Cindy said...

You're so smart!! And thank Owen for his willingness to share. :)