Saturday, October 17, 2009


  1. 6:00 am Crawford (picking up students)
  2. 7:30 am Mission Bay for Out of the Darkness walk
  3. 11:00 am Crawford (dropping off students)
  4. 11:30 am home for a shower
  5. 12:00 pm Caleb's soccer game
  6. 1:00 pm home for Nikki
  7. 1:15 pm Nikki to birthday party #2
  8. 1:45 pm Clairemont High for football game
  9. 4:00 pm Crawford (dropping off students)
  10. 4:30 pm crash and burn
  11. 8:00 pm laundry
  12. 10:00 pm pick up Nikki
But man, it's good to be home!!

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