Monday, January 28, 2008

Last First Day

Tonight was the last "first night" of classes I will ever have! So far, so good. I have a lame assignment for EdTech (come up with an obscure question for your classmates to Google), and the only time we meet for our MA project is to party at the end of the semester (with individual meetings with the professor in between). NICE!

On the homefront, things were a little more exciting. Our neighbor, who has three girls and a husband who works late evenings, shattered her arm in early December. When I saw it two weeks ago, it looked like someone had cut an arm off a cadaver and attached it to her body. It's BAD. So we've had phone calls here and there to, say, dump the boiling water from a pot of potatoes. You know, things you just can't get done with one hand, even if you are a supermom (which Tami is). Tonight, Tami called and told Nikki, "I need an adult right now!" and hung up. Scott ran next door to find the youngest hysterical with blood all over her arm, the middle daughter passed out cold, and the oldest and Tami, motionless arm in tow, running around the room.

As it turns out, the youngest was playing with the rat when, somehow, the end of the rat's tail was amputated (we're still unclear on the details with that). The middle daughter passes out at the sight of blood, so she was gone immediately. Tami and the oldest were trying to catch the rat, which was, understandably, panicking and running away from them. Scott stayed for about fifteen minute until the rat (which apparently clots well, thankfully) was back in its cage, the youngest was no longer hysterical, and the middle daughter was lucid once again.

Perhaps I should write a question about rat tail amputations for my EdTech assignment. Or not.

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